“Acceptance of self and purpose enhances agreement, cooperation, performance, trust, and most importantly, permission (self-permission).”
The “EDUSELF” curriculum’s delivery (approach & content) is earning high marks from customers for enhancing their ability to influence how they think and go about living their life. Below is a small sampling of excerpts (unedited) taken from program evaluation testimonials of youth and adults who participated in the “EDUSELF” curriculum’s, TOTAL SUCCESS PERFORMANCE PROGRAM-GUIDE & WORKBOOK COURSE.
What Youth Are Saying
I think the Total Success Performance Guide is a good book. It helps me learn who I am, who I want to be, where I am going in my life, and how to sustain a positive lifestyle. It made me realize I should do better, and if I want my career in my hands I have to keep going in my studies. I am volunteering more often. I help the environment by picking up trash that’s just lying there. I help whereever I can. I focus and try.
Is a good program because we talk about different things like, how famous people who were very famous but lost everything – and why they lost everything. In the Guide & Workbook we could express our feelings about different things. It helped me visualize how I could end up if I start doing drugs. It also helped me to be a good friend, talking to my friends if they have a problem, and be able to listen to them.
A good program because it helps you get positive thoughts and helps you make better decisions in life. It helped me because I use to have negative thoughts. Now I have positive thoughts.
It took me from being what most people would call a low life; It helped me to look for total success and being able to keep my grades up. I thought I would never have inspiration to even try to catch up. I was giving up, but Coach McGill helped me and made me look at things in a positive way and not always in a negative way. Since the program I now look forward to a better life than being that, low life. I have had many transformations since the Total Success class. I actually like trying. I can picture myself going to college, something I never could have been able to see myself doing. I don’t think negative about anything anymore, no more slacking. Overall, this program helped me by changing the way I think about myself and the things I do.
A good program because it gives people a different way to go, so that they will not go down the wrong one and stay on the road to be successful. It gave me a different way to go.
The workbook is good! It made me think about what I want to do with my life; It made me change my whole life for the better. Before this class I really didn’t care for school, but it slowly started to make me care.
Porque te hace bein para que prepares en la escuela. Benga a la escuela mas preparado pongo mas atencion las classes.
Translation: Because it makes you good and prepares you in school. You come to school more prepared.
Yea, Total Success is a good program. It shows you how to change your attitude and behavior. And tells you what’s right or wrong. Now I’ve changed my attitude with my mom – I’ve stopped talking to her the way I used to. Now I feel better and happier inside because I’ve changed how I treat my mom.
This is a very good program because it allows for so much growth, and is not limiting (age, experiences, etc.). I have had this book for three years and it has helped me grow mentally by making me take an honest look at myself. This program also provides a sense of safety. It’s like a guided diary! I can be completely honest which is important because I’m honestly very shy about sharing things. I love the way each activity in the workbook makes me think and grow in a different way. This program has helped me become a better person by allowing me to visualize all of my goals and values, giving me something clear to work towards. I am now making it a priority to try to think things through positively and to start each day fresh! I am trying to live in the moment and be more outgoing because I am usually very stressed, and I overthink things a lot.
The workbook is good, it made me think about what I want to do with my life – It made me change my whole life for the better. Before this class, I really didn’t care for school, but it slowly started to make me care.
This program has taught me so much in every way: How to be productive educationally and care about all things. It helped me at home, at school, everywhere I go. I learned how to not let bullies or someone else pressure me into doing something I don’t want to do. This is my type of program and I want this class next block if possible. It helped me out big time. Thank you.
The program helped me think about things that I need to be successful; and it helps me learn more about myself, and I know new words, terms, and diagrams that I can use to show my family.
It helped me to tell my mom the truth and let her know what I feel and what I’m thinking. It also helped me know what I have been through in the past and not always blame myself for my parent’s divorce.
A good course and program because it helps the brain, and it keeps you out of trouble and on the right track. I am respecting older people now, learning in school and making the right choices in school and life.
It helps people build self-esteem. I have improved my character. I now respect anyone who does or doesn’t respect me. I used to be like; “The way you treat me that’s how I will treat you.”
I really learned something that I haven’t really thought about. I will follow the guide & workbook every week until I become successful in life. I think this program was a way to clear my thoughts and make new goals to succeed in life. It helped me be a better leader.
What Youth-Builders are Saying
The program content and presentation were very good. It was all about developing one’s mindset to determine the right path. My expectations were satisfied. The information given also applies to my life right now, as I am going through everyday life. I wish we had more time. It needs to be a two-day instruction workshop.
The program content and presentation exceeded my expectations. I will be a promoter of the program. I see it as a prayer answered for all of our children.
The program and presentation exceeded my expectations. Yes, yes, yes; satisfied my expectations more than I thought: Is more of a Total Life Success Performance Program, for me + everyone, regardless of age.
This is a great content and structure for students to connect with who they are, and their purpose in life necessary for happiness and success.
The program exceeded my expectations. Great information for both schools, classrooms, and for parenting. Definitely would love to implement this program with my children and introduce this to the school I work at.
I was given a lot of positive and self-improving motivation, and the tools to help others improve themselves. I am so encouraged by this program. I leave here feeling uplifted and armed to help improve the lives of others.
Well done and appreciated! I wish I could have received this information when I was coming up as a child and younger adult.
Very good content and presentation, I was provided several thoughts, ideas, and concepts that I will integrate into my lesson plans.
Excellent material and collateral material. Wonderful to see such a program developed. I hope the school will focus on the program.
Very good program, a holistic approach to life skills development. Concrete ideas, plans, and strategies were presented!
A very exciting and necessary program. A “must have” in educational programs today, or any program dealing with youth.
Very good program and presentation. I feel so energized to practice this total success professionally and personally. Very good. Helped me to understand the needs of my daughter and learn how to work with the community and school. I learned how to have and keep a good attitude about myself and, being a good parent.
Good program. I like that I was able to include my children in some of the “Total Success” training classes. Joint classes for the students and parents were better to assist both with their knowledge.
I now understand a life skills system. I learned about self-improvement, how to make and modify a life success plan as you grow and go through life. I had a very good experience with my family, interacting and getting to see their self in them, etc. (goals, dreams, values, purpose). I will work the workbook at home.
The program content and presentation were very good. My expectations were to know how this “ME” program could be applied with my students, especially on the soccer team. Yes, I’m looking forward to helping my soccer players succeed in their personal lives. There is an “I” in team. Thank you.
It levels the playing field by focusing on all aspects of life – personal, educational, career, and social. The guide and workbook is a source of empowerment that not only teaches, but also gives you tools that you can utilize presently and in the future. It truly embraces the wisdom, “youth are our future.” I feel empowered, so I know this program will help me empower the youth I work with now, and in the future. The program content was very good; to make positive connections and identify goals for the future. I liked that in addition to group, group participants are met, “INDIVIDUALLY.” This program makes a lot of sense. Well done!